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Tuesday, September, 17, 2024
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D-Link Concludes Phase One of CONNEXION2024, a series of Enterprise Partner Meet in India

D-Link, a global leader in network connectivity solutions forhome, small, medium, and large enterprise businesses, is thrilled to announce the successful completion of the first phase of Connexion 2024 series of events in India.D-LinkConnexion 2024 series was kicked off in Nagpur in January this year, and since then the company has connectedwith350 plus Enterprise partners & System Integrators in 8 cities across the country.

Connexion is D-Link’s flagship enterprise partner gathering curated to drive conversations around the future ofnetworking for businesses,and to strengthen its ties with system integrators & business partners in the Indian subcontinent. At theeventD-Link’s team of tech experts shared insights on the latest networking technology trends that are driving digital proliferation, followed by live technology showcase and one-on-one interaction.The first phase of D-Link Connexion 2024 series largely covered tier 2 & some tier 3 citiesnamely – Nagpur, Nashik, Rajkot, Chandigarh, Jammu, Jaipur, Patna and Lucknow.

D-Link Connexion 2024 has been at the forefront, showcasing cutting-edge enterprise networking technologies that empowers businesses, educational institutions, and government sectors to embrace the future of digital connectivity.

Highlights of Connexion 2024 phase one:

  • Knowledge sharing–ThroughD-Link Connexion2024 platform D-Link’s core business & technical team conducted insightfulsessions on latest trends & opportunities in networking domain. D-Link Tech expertspresentedD-Link Enterprise solution portfolio that includes Switching, Wireless, Surveillance, Structured cabling, Network racks and Data center racks.

  • Partner engagement – Connexion 2024 has beenconceptualized with key emphasison driving collaboration with enterprise partner & system integrators.Connexion 2024 has significantly contributed to nurturing meaningful partnerships for future collaboration and growth.

  • Live experience zone– Through an exclusively designed experience/ demo zoneD-Link tech team showcased latest products and solutions that can address the evolving needs of modern businesses, enhance operational efficiency, and deliver seamless network connectivity experiences.

As D-Link wraps up the first phase of Connexion 2024, the company expresses its sincere gratitude to all its partners and attendees who have contributed to making this event a resounding success. Going ahead, D-Link is excited to continue its journey with upcoming phases of the Connexion 2024 series with the mission of delivering exceptional technology solutions that shall empower enterprises.

View glimpses of D-Link Connexion 2024 Phase one on:

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