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Geonix captivates East U.P.


Conducts major Dealers Convention and extravaganza in Lucknow city

Lucknow, 16th Oct 2023 |

Geonix International, among India’s fastest-growing computer components and peripherals brands, conducted a major convention for the ICT fraternity in Lucknow recently. Over 180 Dealers, Distributors, Systems Integrators, and related service providers attended the event, held on a grand scale at The Continental Hotel. The event gave IT businessmen a chance to see and experience the entire range of Geonix products, which is now considerably large and multifarious. The event featured a detailed corporate presentation and some major new products were unveiled for the East U.P. market. Dealers flocked the venue not only from Lucknow city but also from Kanpur, Azamgadh, Bareilly, and surrounding areas.

Fig 1: Senior Office bearers of Geonix, Director Saurabh Jain, National Sales Manager Nikhil Maheshwari, Marketing Head Saurabh Dey, and Lucknow-based East U.P. Branch Manager Subhash Tiwari (not seen) with award winners

Director of Geonix, Mr. Saurabh Jain, was present at the convention and conferred Special Awards to the Best Performers in this calendar year. Each awardee expressed their commitment to Geonix in the future. The two main Dealer associations in the city were present and added value to the event. From the Association of Surveillance Professionals (ASP) Shree Rahul Gangavaar (Adhyaksh) and Saagar Vishwakarma (Upaadhyaksh), accepted a special memento on behalf of their team. They expressed confidence in the suitability of several Geonix products for the Surveillance sector, including Geonix pure copper 3+1 coaxial cables, Geonix Surveillance-specific hard drives, and Geonix range of Monitors from 15 inches to 24 inches.

Figure 2: Over 180 ICT Business people attended the Geonix Techbond in Lucknow

Geonix unveiled several special offers with different achievement slabs for the many secondary partners in the East U.P. territory, and these offers were well-supported by regional distributors. Geonix Dealer conventions are well known for their high standards, value additions, and splendor. The gala Lucknow conclave featured a semi-classical dance performance, from a two-member dance troupe, specializing in the Kathak dance genre most prominent in the region. The evening also featured a 30-minute knowledge session on Artificial Intelligence, containing a rundown of 10 popular AI tools useful to every business person. The ICT fraternity of the region lauded Geonix’s efforts and openly expressed their appreciation for conducting a conference in their region – which was informative, enjoyable, and beneficial from a businessman’s perspective.

Figure 3: Semi-Classical Kathak performance by Lucknowi Dance Troupe

IT businessman Anurag Agarwal, owner of SL Computers and a long-standing Geonix Distributor explained after the event, “I am pleased Dealers from Lucknow and multiple surrounding towns were able to get a proper feel of Geonix products during the convention, aptly named Techbond”. To this, another Geonix distributor, Anurag Gupta from Jai Ma Vaishno added, “Kudos to the Geonix team, excellent event – both insightful and entertaining”. Another Distributor, Rahul Kashyap or Quazar said, “Here in Uttar Pradesh, Geonix is fast becoming one of the leaders. Such an event only fortifies their commitment to the region”.

Geonix’s latest release, a WiFi router with 5G SIM was much appreciated by Dealers. A lot of time was also spent discussing the hot-selling Geonix Thin Client. Geonix intends to do more Dealer conventions in the region in near future. The next Techbond is planned in Agra in early November, followed by Jaipur in late November and Ludhiana in December.

Fig 4: Branch Manager, Subhash Tiwari, handing special mementos to Disturbors Anurag Gupta from Jai Ma Vaishno and Pawan Agarwal from Infoseller. Also seen are seniors from Geonix HO Delhi, National Sales Manager Nikhil Maheshwari, and Marketing Head Saurabh Dey



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